Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Eat at Shoe's - The Beginning

Over the past few months my job has taken a toll on me.  Stress, constant work, long days and nights have worn me out - body and soul.  In addition to wearing me out, it has worn out a few friendships, my family life and completely disconnected me from any activity that I have enjoyed as a hobby in the past.

During the past weekend, I took some time and thought about things I enjoy and activities that I might consider stress relief.  I wanted to do something that I enjoy, that I could share with family and friends and that might challenge me and put both my family and I out of our comfort zone and help us explore new things.  As luck, or divine intervention would have it (if you want to be melodramatic), I came across an incredible idea.

On Monday the October issue of Saveur Magazine came in the mail and gave me a great idea.  In celebration of their 150th issue, they have compiled 101 Classic Recipes from the past 149 issues in one fantastic edition.  The recipes span courses (appetizers, soups and stews, main dishes, sides, desserts) and many cultures, but all of the recipes can be considered staple dishes in their respective cuisines.  I thought that it would be fun and relaxing to maybe try a few of the recipes, daydreaming a bit as I looked through the first few pages.  The further I got into the issue though, the more intently I read.  It seemed that at the turn of every page I was thinking, "ooh, I'd like to try that" or "wow, that looks fantastic".  Then the question came to me - what would it take to make all 101 of these recipes?  Of course it could be done, but could I do it?  I have a bit of culinary background (8 years working my way through high school and college in kitchens...OK, Hooters and Bennigans, but still kitchens) and I certainly have a love of food.  This kind of effort might also address some of the other things I am looking for in a "hobby" or off season activity.  I find cooking extremely fulfilling and relaxing and if I'm looking to expand the horizons of my household (wife and 5 year old twins) a big bowl of Saag Paneer or Schnitzel a la Holstein will do that.

My Inspiration - Saveur, October 2012

I've also been thinking about some kind of writing project.  I've always wanted to be a writer (I dream of novels) but have not written anything significant in over 10 years.  I've started and abandoned three blogs in the past three years and, well - you may be reading the beginning of #4.  But it seems to me that this project gives me the opportunity to fulfill me a bit on a few levels.  Writing project, stress reliever, challenge, a way to present new foods and cultures to my family and hell, maybe event give me a reason to invite a few friends over for dinner.

It may be a rough ride, but I'm committed to riding it out.  I originally gave myself the deadline of May 1, 2013 to finish the challenge, but I'm not sure about that now.  I need to objectively look at the recipes, figure out the challenging ones and the easy ones, pace them over the course of the next few months and also pace my budget - there are some freaking expensive ingredients.  Not to mention that some of the items in the recipes are seasonal or hard to come by in Buffalo, NY.  I will develop criteria that I will hold myself to, simple, but strict.  I will write about the process of developing the challenge, the shopping for, cooking of and enjoyment (hopefully) of the dishes and the reaction from those that I cook for.

I realize that this is not a new idea - Julie Powell is probably the most famous example of a cooking challenge blog, working her way through all 524 recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking (which makes my 101 recipes look bland in comparison), but if I can get through this, make some good food, revitalize my joy of cooking, get my kids and wife to try some new things and maybe entertain a few people with my random thoughts - then I will be very satisfied (and very surprised).

So what's next?  I have to come up with criteria for the challenge, a timeline, a method of deciding what recipes to make and when (odds are, weekdays will be easy recipes or American cuisine and weekends will be the more challenging recipes - Djaj Mqualli anyone?).

My first goal is to have the criteria complete and the challenge begun by Sunday - September 22nd.  Hey now - that's a good idea - ending each post with a goal for the next step in the challenge.  Interesting.

Wish me luck!

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